housing - office - gym (some reasons to exercise)

this entry is still related to my previous one. the focus this time is about the new istance between the place where im living, work place, and gym.

so, i started my day as how it was in the past; waking up early between 6 and 7, getting ready for work and off the place in 30 minutes. i had actually no expectation on how long that would be. but as i found out, it took less than 10 minutes to go from the housing to the office (which actually was also my school). so yea, i perhaps need to adjust my schedule a lil' bit.

another one is about going to the gym. it now takes about an hour to go back and forth from my new housing. so that's kinda a cardio exercise in itself already. oh yea, some reasons to go to the gym, should you haven't added them to your daily routines are:
1. getting fit - well, obviously it's all about getting fit, isn't it? after all, we need to be fit in order to work, study, or even do household activities. i remember an article back to my senior high school era where stated that 30 minutes exercise in the morning will help our body in solving problems, studying, and getting more productive.

2. shaping your body - it applies not only to men, but also women. after all, looks do matter ;) and com'on, who wanna lie on the beach with all those fat around their tummy.

3. extending your network - just couple of weeks ago, i met this person at the gym as he helped me to exercise with one of the equipment correctly. he finally asked if i was indonesian, obviously i answered yes. and guess what, he continued the conversation in bahasa :)) it turned out that his wife was indonesian. hahahah it's a small world after all.

4. finding your new boy/girlfriend - :) gym may be a good place to look for one, since you'll definitely meet people who are aware of the need to give sufficient attention to their body.

that's for now. see you in the next post...


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